Monday, December 31, 2018

JZC 2018

A bit delayed from intention, finally here are the English instructions of my round in JZC 2018, which held in March. I prepared Round 2 with Serkan, and due to his suggestion, puzzles are chosen from previous JPC. One remark is that points distribution is somehow skewed; easy ones have more points, hard ones conversely. This was to avoid huge difference between top players and casual ones, and it went okay, with higher average score.

1. Number Tube
Connect the numbers starting from 1. Path must cross on all black dots, and not in the other places.

2. Lego Studio
Place some boxes of 2-cell size. Symbols outside the grid show how the first box is seen from there.

3. Area Battleships
Place the given fleets without touching, not even diagonally. Numbers show how many cells are occupied by fleets.

4. Number Letter Connection
Connect 1, 2, 3, ... and A, B, C, ... respectively.

5. Sum 15 Cross (for 15th JPC)
Kakuro, all clues are 15 (except 1-cell segments).

6. Adam and Eve
Place the 2 kinds of shapes. Same symbols do not share edges. All given clues must be used.

7. Polygon Division
Divide the grid along edges, into convex polygons. Each polygon contains a number, which corresponds to its shape.

8. Snake Line
Starting from each numbers, draw a line of that length. Circled numbers show how many of their surrounding cells (at most 4) are occupied by lines.

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