Thursday, June 29, 2023

24HPC 2023


So here is the recap of my second visit to Budapest. Normally I write this kinds after I solve the remaining puzzles and check the results, so this post goes before looking back the last WSPC. (I think I was waiting for results, videos and maybe more.)

This year I arrived on Thursday, and spent two days for sightseeing, including two exit rooms. I walked too much, but still my state was much better than in 2017.

Round 1

Left: Angle Loop (second), Two Way Stostone (second)

My original plan was, starting from the front page and go till Two Way Stostone, and then going back from the last one. But the second Angle Loop was apparently evil so I skipped it, and I spent much time on the second Two Way Stostone but in vain. Thankfully I was quite lucky in the Triple Jump, so I just collected the remainings. 

Round 2

Left: Top Heavy Number Place (second), Tapa (second)

I was planning to solve in order, but made bad start in Thermo Sudoku. Considering the pace, I skipped other Latin types, then my next trouble was in the second Tapa; I thought it was broken even after three attempts! Before the round Samu explained the case of broken puzzles, so maybe I was too suspicious. Finally I broke the second Top Heavy Number Place and could not complete it, resulted in bad round.

Round  3

Left: Easy as ABC (all six) , Pentominous (both)

Error: Knight Battleships (second)

Planned to go backward from the end, at least till Ripple Effect. But I could not find starts of the second Knight Battleships and move on to the first one, I managed to solve it (but missed a ship, which was saved though) and then I also solved the second one, but I made an error while checking the pentominoes, placed two Ps! This is my only (non-secured) error in this contest. After that, in the other types, I could make some progress at least, but the biggest problem was that I assumed wrong deduction in (Anti)knight Heyawacky. I finished (Anti)knight Makaro in the last seconds, and that saved my position.

Round 14

In my last participation, round 14 was my skip round, so this is my first experience. Just in order, 33 minutes left (from my note). Later I corrected my error in Kakuro (the highest one). Basically I check my solutions (but find no error except this round) after finish, and take some rest and food. I cannot get bonus but additional break is good thing anyway, and I could even check the puzzle theme.

Round 5

Went backward from the end, from high pointers. 26 minutes left. I think I was not smooth in Gapped Kakuro, and considering the last round, I checked Kakuro types especially. One funny thing is that my booklet was suffered from water while marking, but no problem.

Round 6

Left: Easy as Regional, Killer Skyscrapers (all three), Sudoku (both), Kuromasu (both)

Original plan was starting from Fences Out-Liars and go ahead, but puzzles were heavy on average. After I managed to solve Times Zones, I collected easy ones on the front page, and then time was up. Maybe I should choose Kuromasu? Definitely the toughest round for me.

Round 7

Left: Word Search, Word Search Sudoku, Coral Anglers, Slash Pack, Tetrapack

As planned, began from Top but skipping Word Search types, and after finishing Coral then returned to Word Search Sudoku. But badly I could not solve it, just wasted time. Giving it up and collected easy ones, but I could not tweak Slash Pack. Probably bad strategy, I should have left Word Search Sudoku till the end.

Round 8

Left: Twins (3/10)

Just in order but skipped Twins till the end. Twins and Word Search have partial points and I think I am not efficient for them, so left these for last sprint. Luckily gravity rule was benefit for me, and I could even leave some time for twins. Finish-able set if I was better at other puzzles.

Round 9

Beginning of 1000s and taking good rest in midnight. 18 minutes left. Just in order and of course leaving Corona in the Woods for the last. Actually I wrongly understood its rule and took some time during the round. I checked my solution after finishing, but I missed two-cell switch in the first Coded Skyscrapers, which was saved by judge.

Round 10

Went backward from the end. 15 minutes left. I talked about Perspective Skyscrapers with Tawan in Saturday night, and it helped me a lot - I still had some trouble though. I can see so many erasing places in my booklet, especially in the latter half (which I solved earlier in the round), so my performance in itself was not that good.

Round 11

Again from the end. This is often good choice for me if I want to confirm high pointers first. 29 minutes left. This time I made less erasing, except Kakuro [Twins] (again my first puzzle) and tweakings in Kurotto and Detour. Mostly common types and good for midnight, actually it was one of the easiest round.

Round 12

Solved in order, 48 minutes left. Definitely the easiest round for me, which I never expected beforehand; my worst result came from his round in my first appearance. Full of common types again, so maybe this tendency has good impact in this competition.

Round 13

Final round, where I was bad in 2017 (and from Bram). So I was careful for strategy, tried heavy ones first; meaning Poker, Winners, Kakuro, Barriers, Honey-comb Islands, Arrows in this order. Thankfully it went well, then I collected the remainings. I was too much relieved and forgot to note my time, 15-20 minutes left I think. BTW I am the exception of Winner. :P

Round 4

Left: Half Dominos (second)

What I did in Japan. The only sad thing in official 24HPC is that I miss a round there. My original strategy was starting from Word Snail and go ahead till Dotted Snake, then Statue Park, Summon, Password Battleships, All Even Fences, Scrabble, Banknotes and Decrypting. I wanted to keep latter two kinds for final sprint, and leave Scrabble as long as possible. It went almost as I planned, except leaving the second Half Dominoes for last; after several minutes I did not find any proper way. In the end I had only 3 minutes for that, needed additional 2 minutes. As my usual in home, I recorded my solving of this round, so I know the most critical trouble was in the first Half Dominoes, where I spent 10 minutes. Actually this was another chance to complete.

So, as a whole, the result is as wished, and my regret in the last round of 2017 was improved, which were my main targets this year. But I made bad start this time, and many points to improve are remaining. Anyway I really enjoyed my journey, I hope I can join in soon again.